
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Amazing Improv Generator App

Matt Lundlam from has developed a new app that is available in the Apple App Store as well as the Google Play (Android) Market. It is only 99 cents. 

It includes 250 Character, 250 Place and 250 Event descriptions that are randomized to help create a situation for your students to improv. You can add to and edit the list of descriptions. 

Those of you attending the Thespian Festival this week, stop by check it out in the Lied Center.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Play, The Playwright, and Your Scene: Using Google Docs, Sites, and YouTube

Theatre teachers search far and wide to find Ed Tech webinars focused specifically on Theatre.  I was so excited when Google hosted their Education On Air Day this past April using Google +'s Hangouts On Air.  

The webinar focused on a creative approach to research of playwrights that students had performed in class.   This project of researching the playwright, then creating a scene featuring the playwright as a character.  In the scene, the students would weave in the research that they had completed about the playwright.   Links are listed below:  
Thank to Google for included this in their Education on Air day. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Using Tagxedo for Show Posters or Script Analysis

Some of you may have seen used to create world clouds, well  blows Wordle out of the water.  
It is gives you great amount of flexibility.  Here are some ways you could use Tagxedo in a Theatre or Film Class
  •  Upload a script into Tagxedo and see what words and themes start to appear. 
  • Create the back of a show shirt with your ensemble members names in a shape that relates to your production.   
    • i.e. a trombone for "The Music Man
 Follow this Google Docs link to see 101 Ways to use Tagxedo.

TAGXEDO Logo example using the text from my blog posts.

Lincoln Bound to International Thespian Festival!

It time to put on make up!  It time to light the lights! 
It's time to play the music 
It's time to light the lights 
It's time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight.
It's time to put on makeup 
It's time to dress up right 
It's time to raise the curtain on the Muppet Show tonight. 
Why do we always come here 
I guess we'll never know 
It's like a kind of torture 
To have to watch the show 
And now let's get things started 
Why don't you get things started 
It's time to get things started 
On the most sensational inspirational celebrational Muppetational 
This is what we call the Muppet Show! 

Composers: Samuel H. ("Sam") Pottle (ASCAP) and James M. ("Jim") Henson (ASCAP)

I feel the Muppets have summed up this upcoming week at the Thespian Festival  and what I would like to do with blog.  Check back often to see all the new posts that will start appearing throughout the week and after the Festival.